Re-opening the Academy
Can you spy Miss Victoria in this picture?
Phase One of our Re-opening is Here
After a year of online lessons and Zoom recitals, we are excited to start welcoming students back!
We plan to open the Academy in stages, to make sure our protocols are working and keeping our teachers and students safe. As of April 12, 2021, we are only bringing back group piano classes taught by Debbie Boyden and Victoria Ball.
Check your email and student portal often to learn when the next phases of reopening will begin.
Online Lessons Are Still an Option
We will continue to offer online lessons for those students who prefer to learn that way.
What to Expect When Students Return
We ask the following of students and parents upon returning to Inspire Academy:
Please wear a mask at all times while at Inspire Academy
Please keep a social distance of 6 feet
Students will line up outside on the markers in front of Inspire Academy until they are directed to come into class
Students will have their temperatures taken before entering the building
No food or drink inside the classrooms
Only two parents in the waiting area at a time if you need to talk to Marina or Yvette
Parents, please be on time to pick up your child, they will be waiting outside for you
Please Do Not Send a Sick Child to Their Music Lesson
Parents, please do not send your child if they exhibit any signs of illness (fever, sore throat, cough, congestion) or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID
For information about our cancellation policies and make-up lessons, please see our Tuition and Policies webpage.
To learn more about Inspire Academy and which classes are right for your family, call us today at (925) 461-3266.